

Module 9: Forests are Home awareness campaign


Why this campaign? What’s in it for companies? How can you participate?

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Why this campaign? What’s in it for companies? How can you participate?

PEFC in a nutshell


A glance at PEFC, its unique proposition, benefits to companies and how to be PEFC certified.

 Download (2.39 MB)

A glance at PEFC, its unique proposition, benefits to companies and how to be PEFC certified.

PEFC Frequently Asked Questions


The PEFC FAQ has been developed to help you better understand PEFC and accurately answer some of the questions you may get from your customers. If you are in a customer facing role, CSR or procurement, then this Q&A is for you.

 Download (3.39 MB)

The PEFC FAQ has been developed to help you better understand PEFC and accurately answer some of the questions you may get from your customers. If you are in a customer facing role, CSR or procurement, then this Q&A is for you.

Forests are Home

Press release

Press release for the launch of Forests are Home: celebrating the wooden furniture that gives meaning to homes, while protecting the forests that our furniture comes from.

 Download (105.18 KB)

Press release for the launch of Forests are Home: celebrating the wooden furniture that gives meaning to homes, while protecting the forests that our furniture comes from.

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